How to tell plastic rice apart from real rice. Here’s what to know

The rise of counterfeit products, particularly plastic rice, poses significant health risks in the global market. As rice is a staple food for billions, it’s crucial to distinguish between real and fake rice. Here are effective methods to identify plastic rice:

  1. Water Test: Place a tablespoon of rice in a glass of water. If it floats, it’s likely plastic; genuine rice will sink.
  2. Heat Test: Heat rice in a pan. Authentic rice will emit a natural toasted aroma, while plastic will smell synthetic.

3.Boiling Test: Boil rice in water. Real rice will cook and soften, while plastic rice may remain undercooked and float.

4.Mold Test: Cook rice and store it in a sealed container at room temperature. Genuine rice will spoil or mold, while plastic may remain unchanged.

5.Fire Test: Burn a few grains. Real rice will burn with a natural smell, while plastic will burn quickly with a strong, chemical odor.

    By using these tests, you can safeguard your health and ensure the rice you consume is authentic. Stay informed and protect your diet!

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