Wife receives a divorce letter from husband, her reply is brilliant

When a husband decided to leave his wife, he thought it would be easier to write her a letter explaining his reasons. He expressed his feelings about their marriage, mentioning her job loss and how she seemed uninterested in him. In a shocking twist, he revealed he was moving away with her sister.

In her clever response, the wife turned the tables on him. She pointed out that his complaints were unfounded, noting that she watched TV to escape his negativity. She humorously mentioned that she noticed his new haircut but thought he looked “just like a girl,” and reminded him she hadn’t eaten pork in years.

The wife then revealed she won the lottery for $10 million, quit her job, and bought tickets to Jamaica, but he had already left. She concluded with the fact that her sister Carla was actually born Carl, leaving him with a final, humorous sting.

This exchange showcases a brilliant and funny comeback, illustrating how sometimes, things don’t go as planned.

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