What’s the First Color You See? The Answer Says a Lot

Personality and IQ tests can be fun, even if their results aren’t always accurate. A popular test suggests that the first color you see can reveal aspects of your personality. For example:

  • Purple is linked to intelligence, creativity, and power. If you see purple first, you may be unique, conservative, and driven to make change.
  • Gray represents calmness, reason, and sensibility. Seeing gray could mean you’re calm but may struggle with emotional control.
  • Yellow is associated with happiness, hope, and a positive outlook. If yellow is the first color you see, you’re likely optimistic and enjoy life.
  • If you see blue, brown, or green after those colors, it suggests intelligence but might also intimidate others.

This test is just for fun, but it provides interesting insights into how we might see ourselves. Some other tests look at your response to various situations to determine traits like diplomacy or creativity. While these tests aren’t scientifically backed, they offer a fun way to pass the time.

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