The fascinating and tragic story of Mary Ann Bevan
In 2025, society has come a long way, but looking back to the 19th century, some practices were deeply troubling. One such practice was “freak shows,” where people with physical differences were displayed for entertainment. One of these individuals, Mary Ann Bevan, became known as the “Ugliest Woman in the World,” and her story highlights the exploitation of people for profit.

Born in London in 1874, Mary Ann was a beautiful nurse with a promising future until her husband died, and she developed acromegaly, a disease causing her face and body to enlarge. Her appearance changed drastically, making it hard for her to find work, and she was eventually forced to join a circus after responding to an ad that described her as the “Ugliest Woman.”
Mary Ann became a star at the Coney Island Circus, where she was put on display for her unusual appearance. Despite the public’s fascination, some doctors spoke out against the exploitation. However, Mary Ann endured, earning enough money to send her children to school, although she had to endure ridicule.

She continued working in the circus until 1925 and died in 1933, at the age of 59. Mary Ann’s story is a tragic reminder of the exploitation that occurred in the past and her self-sacrifice to provide for her children. She is buried in London, fulfilling her last wish.