Linda was 52 when she married the 17-year-old: How the couple lives 18 years later
Linda and Jay first connected at work. Linda, 52, and her companion, 17, worked as staff at the juvenile center. Linda appreciates the wide range of hobbies, films, and literature that she and Jay enjoy. The young man asked Linda to approve of his proposal to his coworker despite their obvious age difference.

The two quickly obtained legal marriage, much to the ire of the populace. She was old enough to be your grandma, internet viewers wrote in the comments area under the couple’s photos, expressing their displeasure. Just recently, Linda and Jay celebrated their 18th wedding anniversary. The couple was able to create a strong bond in spite of the sarcastic comments.
Despite the lack of children, Jay and Linda are happy in their relationship and have no plans to separate. Linda recently made a lot of sacrifices.

Despite being blind and confined to a wheelchair, the woman has faith in her friend. Jay, according to Linda, has never once regretted his decision.