Meet the “Trueblue Twins” Megan and Morgan, who are popular online
Megan and Morgan, known as the “Trueblue Twins,” first gained attention through a photo shared by tattoo artist and musician Deyonte Hunter. These aspiring child models have captivated the internet with their strikingly unique appearance—Morgan has heterochromia, causing her to have vivid blue eyes, which she inherited from family members with the same condition. Her vision is perfect, and the condition only adds to her uniqueness.
Born on June 6, 2011, the twins’ mother has always dressed them in matching outfits, sharing their photos online. Although they are often compared to celebrity children and have brand deals, their mother manages everything instead of a personal stylist. The family takes things slow, with the twins only receiving free clothing for now, as their mother doesn’t want to pressure them into modeling.
Their father, Lovell Knight, is cautious about their rising fame and wants them to have a normal childhood, aware of the impact celebrity status can have. Despite their popularity, Megan and Morgan are very different personalities, making them all the more special.