Woman Goes to Neighbor’s Garage Sale, Finds Her Missing Daughter’s Jacket — Story of the Day

Kaylee’s daughter, Amanda, went missing two weeks ago. Both Kaylee and the police have been making significant efforts to find her, but there hasn’t been even a trace of Amanda. One day, after putting up more flyers, Kaylee stops by her neighbor’s garage sale and is horrified to see Amanda’s jacket—the one she was wearing the night she disappeared.

Kaylee walked around the city, carefully putting up flyers on every lamppost and bulletin board she could find. Each flyer had a photo of her missing daughter, Amanda, and a desperate plea for anyone with information to call.

Amanda had run away from home two weeks ago, and there had been no sign of her since then. Her phone was off, and none of her friends knew where she was.

At first, Kaylee thought it was just typical teenage rebellion, something Amanda would get over in a day or two.

But when Amanda didn’t return after two days, Kaylee’s worry turned to panic. She went straight to the police, who immediately began a search operation.

Since then, Kaylee has tirelessly put up flyers, hoping for any leads. Yesterday’s heavy rain ruined all her previous efforts, so today, she was starting over.

As she stapled the last flyer to a telephone pole, she felt a mix of exhaustion and determination. Her heart ached with worry, and she fought back tears, knowing she couldn’t give up.

When she finally ran out of flyers, Kaylee headed back home. As she approached her house, she noticed her neighbor Angela setting up for a garage sale. Colorful signs and various items were scattered across the yard.

“Kaylee!” Angela called, waving energetically. “Come over! I have lots of stuff!”

Kaylee shook her head and said, “Sorry, Angela. I’m not in the mood right now.”

Angela walked over and gently took Kaylee by the arm. “I know you’re having a hard time,” she said softly. “But sometimes a distraction helps. Just come and look around. You don’t have to buy anything. Maybe talking to people will make you feel a bit better.”

Kaylee sighed but nodded. “Okay, Angela,” she said quietly.

Angela smiled and led her to the tables filled with various items. “See? Lots of things to look at,” she said, gesturing around. “Just take your time.”

Kaylee wandered Angela’s yard, feeling empty and detached. She glanced at the items without interest. Her heart felt heavy, and she had no energy or desire to talk to anyone.

She approached a rack of clothes and absentmindedly ran her fingers over them. Suddenly, an ordinary jacket hanging on a hanger caught her eye.

A chill ran through her body as she recognized it. Her breath quickened, and her hands trembled. This was Amanda’s jacket.

Kaylee took the jacket off the hanger, her mind racing. She turned and walked briskly over to Angela, clutching the jacket tightly. She needed answers.

“Where did you get this?” Kaylee demanded, her voice shaking with emotion.

Where did you get Amanda’s jacket?” Kaylee’s voice rose to a shout, her face flushed with anxiety and fear.

Angela’s eyes widened, and she covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh, my God,” she whispered. “Kaylee, I had no idea. I bought this jacket at a second-hand store near the bus station. I’m so sorry. Please, take it.”

Kaylee’s mind raced as she processed Angela’s words. She clutched the jacket tightly, she knew she had to find out more.

Without another word, Kaylee turned and walked quickly away from Angela’s house. She held the jacket close to her chest, her heart pounding.

She got into her car, started the engine, and drove straight to the second-hand store, her thoughts focused on finding Amanda.

Kaylee arrived at the second-hand store, she walked inside and approached the counter, where a middle-aged man was organizing some items.

“Excuse me,” Kaylee said, holding up Amanda’s jacket. “Do you remember the girl who sold this jacket?”

The seller glanced at the jacket and shook his head. “I see a lot of people every day. I don’t remember.”

Desperation surged through Kaylee. She reached into her purse and pulled out some money, placing it on the counter. “Please, it’s very important. Can you try to remember?”

The seller’s eyes widened slightly at the sight of the money. He hesitated, then took it and nodded.
“Now that you mention it, a girl did come in about two weeks ago. She looked a bit like the girl in this photo,” he said, pointing to the flyer Kaylee had shown him. “She argued with me for a long time about the price. She needed money for a bus ticket.”

Kaylee’s heart skipped a beat. “Did she say where she was going?”

The seller shook his head. “No, she didn’t. But she left in a hurry after she sold the jacket.”

Kaylee thanked the seller and left the store, clutching Amanda’s jacket even tighter. She headed straight to the bus station, hoping to find more clues.

Kaylee went from one ticket booth to another, showing Amanda’s photo to the workers. “Have you seen this girl?” she asked each one, her voice trembling with hope and fear.

But she received the same answer each time: a shake of the head or a polite “Sorry, I don’t remember her.”

She moved on to the other bus station employees, asking the same question. Their responses were all the same—no one had seen or remembered Amanda. Kaylee’s heart sank with each negative answer, her hope dwindling.

Feeling defeated, Kaylee found an empty bench and sat down, clutching Amanda’s jacket tightly to her chest again.

She buried her face in the fabric, breathing in the faint, familiar scent of her daughter. Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought about how much she missed Amanda

In a moment of despair, Kaylee slipped her hands into the jacket’s pockets, seeking some comfort. Her fingers brushed against a folded piece of paper. Surprised, she pulled it out and unfolded it. It was an address.

Her heart raced as she entered the address into her phone’s map. The location was in a neighboring town. Kaylee’s eyes widened in realization. It was the town where Amanda’s biological mother lived.

Kaylee felt a surge of determination. She now had a lead, a place to go. She wiped her tears, took a deep breath, and stood up. Clutching the jacket, she headed back to her car, ready to follow the new clue in her search for Amanda.

As Kaylee drove to the neighboring town, her mind drifted back to the day Amanda had run away. It was a day that still haunted her.

Two weeks ago, Amanda had stormed into her room, tears streaming down her face. She clutched a piece of paper in her hands—her adoption certificate.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Amanda had screamed, her voice filled with anger and hurt. “I’ve lived my whole life in a lie!”

Kaylee’s heart had broken at that moment. She had tried to reach out to Amanda, to explain. “Amanda, listen to me. I may not have given birth to you, but I am your real mother. I’ve loved you and cared for you since you were a baby.”

But Amanda didn’t want to hear it. She backed away, her face contorted with rage. “You’re not my mother! I hate you!” she had yelled before running out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

Kaylee had stood there, frozen in shock and despair. She hoped Amanda would cool down and return home, but as the hours turned into days, her hope turned into fear.

Kaylee blamed herself for Amanda’s disappearance. She should have told Amanda the truth years ago but had never found the courage.

Now, Amanda had gone to find the woman who had given birth to her—a woman Kaylee knew was troubled and unreliable. Amanda’s biological mother had a history of drinking and had abandoned Amanda at birth.

The thought of Amanda being with such a person filled Kaylee with dread. She had always tried to protect Amanda from this painful truth, but now it seemed to be tearing them apart.

Kaylee knew she had to find Amanda and bring her back home, where she belonged. With a heavy heart but determined spirit, she drove on, hoping and praying for her daughter’s safety.

Kaylee arrived at the address on the piece of paper she found in Amanda’s jacket. Her heart pounded as she parked the car and stepped out.

She walked up to the house, her steps hesitant but determined. She knocked on the door, hoping with all her heart that Amanda would be the one to answer.

The door creaked open, and instead, a middle-aged woman appeared. Her face was lined with years of hard living, and she smelled strongly of alcohol. Kaylee’s heart sank as she took in the woman’s disheveled appearance.

The woman stepped back slightly, allowing Kaylee to see inside the house. The place was a mess—clothes and trash were strewn about, and empty bottles littered the floor. Kaylee felt a wave of nausea and fear.

“What do you want?” the woman asked, her voice rough and annoyed.

“I came for Amanda,” Kaylee replied, trying to keep her voice steady.

“Who? There’s no one here by that name,” the woman said, starting to close the door.

Kaylee quickly put her hand on the door to stop her. “Amanda is my daughter. She’s fifteen, with long brown hair and green eyes. Has she been here?”

The woman paused, then shrugged. “Oh, right. She was here. She said I was her mom, and she probably wanted money,” she said, her tone indifferent.

“Where is she now?” Kaylee asked, desperation creeping into her voice.

The woman looked irritated. “How should I know? She’s not here.” she snapped, then shut the door in Kaylee’s face.

Kaylee stood there, stunned and heartbroken. Tears streamed down her face as she realized her poor girl was still out there somewhere, and she didn’t know if she was okay. Kaylee’s heart ached with worry and fear.

Feeling overwhelmed, she turned and walked back to her car. The tears came harder as soon as she sat down in the driver’s seat.


She clutched Amanda’s jacket tightly, sobbing uncontrollably. Her mind raced with thoughts of where Amanda could be and if she was safe.

After calming down, Kaylee decided to go to the local police station. She hoped they might have some information about Amanda. As she drove, the sky darkened, and it started raining heavily.

The rain poured down, making it hard for Kaylee to see the road clearly. She gripped the steering wheel tightly, trying to stay focused.

Something caught her eye as she drove past an old, abandoned house. Through the sheets of rain, she saw a teenage girl sitting on the porch, trying to shelter herself from the downpour. Kaylee’s heart skipped a beat.

Kaylee quickly parked her car on the other side of the street, directly opposite the abandoned house. She got out of the car, rain soaking her instantly, but she didn’t care.

She walked towards the porch, her steps quick and anxious. As she got closer, she could finally see the girl’s face clearly. Her heart leaped with recognition.

“Amanda?!” Kaylee shouted, her voice cracking with a mix of relief and disbelief.

“Mom!” Amanda exclaimed, tears streaming down her face as she ran to Kaylee. She threw her arms around her mother, hugging her tightly. Kaylee pulled her closer, tears mingling with the rain.

“Amanda, honey, where have you been?” Kaylee asked, her voice trembling with emotion.

“I was living in that abandoned house,” Amanda said, her voice breaking. “I came here to find my biological mother, but she…” Amanda couldn’t finish. She started crying again, clinging to Kaylee even tighter.

Kaylee stroked Amanda’s wet hair, trying to soothe her. “I know, honey, I know. But it’s okay now. You’re with me again. Why didn’t you call me?”

“My phone was stolen,” Amanda said through her sobs. “And I didn’t think you’d want to see me after everything that happened.”

Kaylee’s heart ached hearing those words. “Of course, I would want to see you. You’re my daughter, Amanda. You can’t imagine how worried I was about you.”

Amanda looked up at Kaylee, her eyes filled with remorse. “Please forgive me. I was wrong. I didn’t mean to say you’re not my mom because that’s not true. You’ve always been my mom.”

Kaylee felt a surge of love and relief. “And I always will be. And please forgive me for hiding the truth from you for so long. I was afraid of hurting you. Can you forgive me?”

Kaylee smiled through her tears. “Let’s go home, or we’ll both catch a cold in this rain.” She tried to let go of Amanda gently, but Amanda wouldn’t let her. Kaylee hugged Amanda tightly again, not wanting to let go either.

“Mom, I missed you so much,” Amanda whispered.

“I missed you too, Amanda. More than you can imagine,” Kaylee replied, holding her daughter close.

They walked back to the car together, arms wrapped around each other. The rain continued to fall, but it no longer mattered. They had found each other, and that was all that mattered.

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If you enjoyed this story, read this one: Michael arrives at his grandmother’s funeral. He was her only grandchild, and they always had a special bond, but in recent years, Michael rarely visited her because he was always working. He hoped to inherit the house where he grew up, but the lawyer tells Michael she left him only one dollar and the house will go to an unknown person. Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story,

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