Well, memories are what make us, us ! Here are some of my hand picked ones that I would share.
1) Unique smell of Sweat – the smell of sweat of your loved ones (nah, I do not mean here the ones who do not have bath, ever!). To me it makes me feel like a puppy who can identify a human with their unique smell. Makes me feel the love.
2) Books – Their Smell ,especially the new books, it is like the food to bibliophiles. Your day starts when you can smell them. If I could smell this, It is an assurance that I am alive.
3) Petrol – I wish I could eat it, but duh ! You wish that you could forever just inhale this smell. Agree or not, there is something special about this smell.
4) Fire – Have your ever seen through the fire, the upper part of the fire which flickers and gives a unique view of the background ? Yes, this visual takes me back to some vague memories of my childhood, as if I belonged somewhere which are only in my thoughts but never come into the real. Dreams of memories long lost.

5) Rain – The smell, sound and sight of rain. Can anything ever surpass this emotion or feelings that rains bring along ? Rain on land, trees , the bustling of rain drops, the different sound it makes when it falls on every other thing from leaves to branches to rocks to sand.
Running out in the rain only to get drenched, to feel the drops fall on you, to taste them with your tongue out and hands spread, sometimes the hail stones that fell on your head.
6) Gushing waters – Reminds me of the floods during my childhood days. Early morning you wake up rubbing your eyes only to find its flooded all around! of those snakes that happily danced in the waters of the well.
Thank you for evoking those memories yet again !