12,000-Year-Old Massive Underground Tunnels Are Real And Stretch From Scotland To Turkey

Mysterious underground tunnels have been discovered in Scotland, stretching as far as Turkey, but their purpose and construction remain uncertain. These Stone Age tunnels, which have survived for over 12,000 years, have baffled scientists. Dr. Henrich Kusch, in his book “Secrets of the Underground Door to an Ancient World,” suggests that they may have served as highways connecting Neolithic settlements across Europe.

He notes that these tunnels, found from Scotland to the Mediterranean, vary in size and include nooks, seating areas, and storage chambers. While many are only about 70 cm wide, they form a vast underground network, with significant discoveries in places like Bavaria and Styria.

Some theories propose the tunnels offered protection from predators, while churches were often built near their entrances to curb their potentially “heathen” influence. Similar tunnels have also been found in other parts of the world, but the reasons behind their construction and the methods used remain elusive.

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