If you spot a sugary spoon in your yard, you had better know what it means

Many people have phobias, from common ones like heights and spiders to rarer fears that baffle others. My phobia is bees, specifically anything that buzzes and can sting. As a child, I might have wished for their extinction, but I now understand their crucial role in our ecosystem.

Bees pollinate 71 of the 100 crop varieties that provide 90% of the world’s food, and sadly, around 40% of bee species are at risk of extinction. To help, you can take simple actions, like placing a spoonful of sugary water in your yard to revive exhausted bees. Just mix two tablespoons of sugar with one tablespoon of water.

You can also plant flowers or wildflowers to provide bees with nectar, supporting the local ecosystem. So, if you see someone setting out sugar, join in and help the bees!

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